- My Voice
- Hand Grenade
- Endtime Relay
- Molasses In January
- Seven
- Fake Fight
- Song For Anne Bannon
- What Can A Lover Do?
- It's A Conversation
- Deattached
- Venus Lacy
- Temporary Insurance
This history of Team Dresch’s singles and compilation contributions begins with the band’s debut, the Hand Grenade + 2 7” on Kill Rock Stars. Released in 1994, the EP features Spinanes’ Scott Plouf filling in on drums for the mid-tempo earworm title track, as well as the slow and moody closer, “Molasses In January”, with the quick and furious “Endtime Relay” punctuating the EP’s flow and providing a nice fit with “Seven”, the similarly-raging contribution to that same year’s Rock Stars Kill compilation. Also released in 1994 was YoYo Records’ Periscope: Another Yoyo Compilation, which featured the dynamic “Fake Fight”, a track that would resurface as one of the anchors of 1995’s masterful Personal Best full-length.
“Song For Anne Bannon” is originally from 1995’s Free To Fight! Self Defense For Women And Girls compilation on Candy-Ass Records. The song is in tribute to author Ann Weldy (pen name: Ann Bannon), who wrote highly influential lesbian pulp fiction series The Beebo Brinker Chronicles from 1957 to 1962. Moving on to 1996, “What Can A Lover Do? originates from the four-way split 7” on Marigold Records, which also featured F-80, Shove and The Dahlia Seed.
The remaining four tracks represent the second, late-90s incarnation of Team Dresch following Kaia’s departure. The powerful “It’s A Conversation” hails from a split 7” with Longstocking, released by Sub Pop in 1998. That year also saw the excellent The New Team Dresch V 6.0 Beta 7” on Outpunk, providing two true-to-form rockers “Deattached” and “Venus Lacy”. “Temporary Insurance” would be Team Dresch’s final proper studio release and would drop two years later in 2000 via one side of a split 7” with The Automaticans on Mental Monkey Records.
From “Hand Grenade” to “Temporary Insurance”, Team Dresch’s highly emotive, tightly-wound and put simply, very loud punk rock was an unprecedented type of vehicle for which to deliver the band’s profoundly prescient messages and identity, one that resonates deeply with our current times. That this music was made approximately a quarter-century in the past is an astonishing thing to wrap one’s head around. That it went somewhat overlooked in its day is not terribly surprising, given that it was probably a little too “ahead of its time”, so to speak. Throughout the 1994 - 2000 timeline traversed by this compilation, Team Dresch created a song cycle that plays through with the intensity and influence of both Personal Best and Captain My Captain.
- Andrew Earles, February 2019

Old Unconscious
The Circular Ruins

Fruit Bats
Tripper (Deluxe Reissue)

No Jigsaw

A Colossal Waste Of Light

Martha Scanlan & Jon Neufeld
Last Stars First Light


Jenny Conlee
Tides: Pieces For Accordion And Piano

The Hackles
What a beautiful thing I have made

No. 2
First Love

José Medeles
Railroad Cadences & Melancholic Anthems

Everything That I See You See Better

The Delines
The Sea Drift

M. Ward
End of Amnesia

MØØN: The Cosmic Electrics of MØTRIK

Infinite X's
Infinite X's

Once Upon A Time Called Now

Dave Depper

Artificial Head

Slanted Floors
Pink Heaven

No. 2
You Might Be Right

John Cameron Mitchell & Eyelids
Turning Time Around EP

Jay Gonzalez Sings Eyelids Sings Jay Gonzalez Sings Eyelids

1939 Ensemble
New Cinema

Safety Copy

The Builders And The Butchers
Dead Reckoning

The Geraldine Fibbers
Lost Somewhere Between The Earth and My Home

The Builders And The Butchers
Salvation Is A Deep Dark Well

Hallelujah The Hills
Movement Scorekeepers EP

Kind of Like Spitting
You Secretly Want Me Dead - RSD 2016

Sin Ropas
Mirror Bride

Slow Moses
Charity Binge

Red Red Meat
Red Red Meat

Red Red Meat
Jimmywine Majestic

Red Red Meat
Bunny Gets Paid

Hook & Anchor
Hook & Anchor


Red Red Meat
There's A Star Above The Manger Tonight

Fruit Bats

Pellet Gun
Great Divide

Portland Cello Project

Laura Gibson
La Grande

Laura Gibson
La Grande (single)

Dr. Frank
Andromeda Klein

Johanna Samuels

Jon Brion

Blue Cranes
My Only Secret

Martha Scanlan & Jon Neufeld
Save It For Later

Mikaela Davis & Circles Around The Sun
After Sunrise